Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was feeding Cameron his bedtime bottle while James was getting Jameson and Stellan ready for bed. This is what I overheard as James was trying to help Stellan brush his teeth:
"Here Stellan, time to brush your teeth."
"No daddy, that's poison."
"Just brush your teeth, you're fine."
(more persistently) "No daddy, that's poison!!"

By this point I wonder what on earth James is trying to do to Stellan. Then I hear this:

"Daddy, there is hair wash (shampoo) on the toothbrush."

During the trip home from Canada the shampoo somehow managed to open and leak all over the plastic bag filled with toiletries. The boys' toothbrushes were in that bag and were covered in shampoo. Apparently rinsing them didn't get rid of the soap and Stellan felt as if there was poison on his toothbrush. What an imagination! Thankfully we always have extra toothbrushes in the house!

Pit Stop

Jameson and Stellan were riding bikes with a couple of kids from the neighbourhood when they decided to simulated races. Three of them would ride around while the fourth would be the pit crew who administer tire changes and a refill on gas. During one lap I heard one of the neighbour kids announce, "I don't need gas, I drive a hybrid". How cute! Something you probably wouldn't hear before this generation.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sand Box

The boys had a blast playing with Marco at Ed and Marisa's today. They are like three peas in a pod. So cute to see them interact. Jameson was pushing Marco (age 4) on the swing; they bonded while watching "Cars"; they picked on Stellan during lunch; Stellan picked on them.....fun times. The cutest part was when the three of them were standing in the sand box (doesn't sound like a big deal until you notice that the sand box is on legs and stands a couple of feet off the ground). Stellan leaned over to Marco (they are all covered in sand at this point) and says, "Marco, can I hug you?". How sweet is that?! He makes my heart melt.


Jameson and Stellan were sitting at the table having a snack before bed. Jameson put down his peanut butter toast and asked me how long before it was 8 o'clock. I looked at the clock and noted to myself that it was 7:50. Just to see if he knew I asked him, "How long do you think?". He looked at the clock and announced, "10 minutes". I was shocked! Then he looked at the clock again and said, "oops, now it's only 9 minutes". The time had changed to 7:51. Again, he makes me so proud!!

Two Wheeler

My almost five year old is training wheel-less!!! I'm so proud of him!!!

We came home from Ed and Marisa's today when Jameson asked if we could take off his training wheels. I told him it was probably not the best time since he hadn't been on his bike in three weeks. Well, later on, when I was in the house, Jameson must have asked James the same question and he willingly obliged. As soon as the training wheels were off Jameson was riding around like a pro. He makes me so proud!

Slice of Heaven

I had a week alone with Cameron. The two of us flew back while James stayed with the boys. He had training in Toronto and the boys stayed with James' parents. I had booked my tickets before all of this was decided so I ended up coming home with just Cameron. It was such a delightful treat! Here is my top 10 list of why it was a slice of heaven for one week:

10. I got to go shopping for 5 guilt free hours with a perfectly behaved baby
9. I only had to clean up after myself and one little person
8. There was only one person demanding my attention each day
7. I didn't have to cook for anyone
6. Only one little person to bathe
5. Jameson and Stellan had a chance to miss and therefore appreciate me
4. Nap time 3 times a day!
3. I got to sleep in!! (Sure, I got up in the middle of the night but still!)
2. I had unique one-on-one bonding time with my third baby.
1. The house was QUIET!!! I forgot how loud Jameson and Stellan can be!

I didn't realize how peaceful the house was until Jameson and Stellan returned and reminded me how loud and boisterous they can be. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I missed my little stinkers!

We did have some great phone conversations though:

Stellan, who was in a hurry and didn't want to slow down long enough to talk, "Hi Mommy, I love you, OK, bye!".

Jameson was telling me a story when I missed a part of it and said, "Oh, pardon honey, I didn't hear you". "Mommy, I said pardon first because I didn't hear you." I love hearing little boy manners on the phone.

Stellan can be difficult to understand on the phone but Jameson is thoroughly entertaining. He conducts rather mature conversations with a real flow to them. I can't believe how much my baby is growing!


We went on our annual family vacation to Windsor/Harrow. The boys, all three of them, were AMAZING!!! They make me so proud! Half the time they didn't know where they were sleeping that night but they were troopers!

Jameson and Stellan LOVED swimming, especially jumping off the diving board. I was especially proud of Stellan as this was his first summer on the diving board and he worked himself up from stepping off the edge to full fledge jumping. So precious!

I explained to the boys that Grandma Tractor was moving from her house. She was quite upset that the boys were no longer going to be able to visit the farm house. Jameson said, "Oh, but we'll still see her at her new house right?". It's so simple to them. It's all about the people that they love.

Auntie Allison had a special night with the boys. I am sure this was one of the highlights of their trip. They love Auntie, especially her toys, books and cat. She's even expanding their sports horizons beyond NASCAR to croquet. Yes, I realize how opposite those two are on the sport spectrum. Trashy to classy. I'll let you decide where each belongs.

And I have to mention that James is my hero. He volunteered to drive the two older boys to Canada while I flew with Cameron. It made sense; the drive would take forever with a three month old. There aren't many daddys who would volunteer to do such a daunting task. He did it and survived! I love him!